Radical Sexualities in Lost Girl and Fledgling: A Queer-Ecological Glimpse at the Feminist Human / Non-Human Female in Sci-fi

The present paper explores the connections between the radical sexual behavior of the main female characters in the TV show Lost Girl and Octavia Butler’s novel Fledgling, Bo and Shori respectively. This analysis works from a queer-ecological feminist perspective that understands that science cti...

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Autor principal: Jiménez Rodríguez, Adriana
Formato: Online
Publicado: Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, Universidad de Costa Rica 2018
Acceso en línea:https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/rlm/article/view/32072
Sumario:The present paper explores the connections between the radical sexual behavior of the main female characters in the TV show Lost Girl and Octavia Butler’s novel Fledgling, Bo and Shori respectively. This analysis works from a queer-ecological feminist perspective that understands that science ction as a genre presents rich opportunities for the development of feminist-queer sexual identities in female characters that in turn construct anti-patriarchal queer family structures that can truly transform the world.     Este artículo explora las conexiones entre el comportamiento sexual radical de los personajes femeninos principales del programa de televisión Lost Girl y la novela de Octavia Butler, Fledgling, Bo y Shori respectivamente. El presente análisis trabaja desde una perspectiva feminista queer-ecológica, la cual entiende que el género literario de ciencia cción presenta enormes oportunidades para el desarrollo de identidades queer feministas que construyen a su vez estructuras familiares queer antipa-triarcales que pueden verdaderamente transformar el mundo.