Capacidad de formación de biopelículas de dos microalgas bentónicas, Navicula incerta y Navicula sp., en tres sustratos (Naviculales: Naviculaceae)

Benthic microalgae have the natural capacity to adhere to a diversity of fixed submerged substrates to form biofilms, which have important roles not only in natural ecosystems, but also in aquaculture systems. An experimental investigation was performed to assess the biofilm-forming capacity of two...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Gomez-Ramirez, Ana Lucia, Enriquez-Ocaña, Luis Fernando, Miranda-Baeza, Anselmo, Cordero-Ezquivel, Beatriz, Lopez-Elias, Jose Antonio, Martinez-Cordova, Luis R.
Formato: Online
Publicado: Universidad de Costa Rica 2019
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