Helminth Parasites of Clarias gariepinus (Clariidae) in Lekki Lagoon, Lagos, Nigeria

A total of 360 randomly selected specimens of Clarias gariepinus (Clariidae) recovered from Lekki Lagoon were examined for intestinal helminth parasites. Parasite prevalence and worm burden were low; 17 (4.72%) of the specimens examined were infected with gastrointestinal helminths. The helminth wor...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: B., Akinsanya, Otubanjo, O. A.
Formato: Online
Publicado: Universidad de Costa Rica 2006
Acceso en línea:https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/rbt/article/view/14003

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