Sumario: | An antigenic extract prepared Crom Cour different Mexican isolates of Trypanosoma cruz; cultured on BHI (three carne froen human cases-Agripina, Fidelfa and Ninoa, and other Crom triatoma-Cocula) were assayed with human sera. EUSA results always were consistent with clinical diagnosis. Sera Croen patients with a diagnosis oC Chagas disease were reactive and non-chagasic sera were negative. Westem blot of chagasic sera recognized antigens of molecular weight >81 kd, 81 kd, 54 kd, 42 kd, and 26 kd. Sera with high OD in EUSA reacted with more peptide bands. The soluble extract antigens prepared Croen Mexican isolates oC T. cruz; and Crom the Brazilian Y strain have an homogenous and similar reactivity.