Sumario: | We describe the habitat ofspecies within .the Fagaceae subgenus Lepidobalanus (genus Quercus) and identify environmental variables relatedto their distribution in the Meseta Central of Chiapas, Southern Mexico. In 258 plots adortúnance index was used, combining tree density arid crown cover, for Quercus peduncularis, Q. polymorpha,Q. rugosa, Q. sebifera and Q.segoviensis. The following variables were measmed:. altitude, pre' cipitatioh from November through April (PPNA), exposure, slope, fuelcwoódharvesting and grazing. Detrended Carmonical correspondence Analysis was used for the statistical evaluation of data. Negative relationships among the donimance index of Q. peducularís and Q .. segoviensis, and altitude and PPNAvalues were found. The' dominance index oiQ. rugusa and Q. segoviensis was correlated with exposure .and intusity of fuel-wood harvesting. Altitude, and to a les ser extent PPNA;. determinedthe distribution of the evaluáted specíes. The results sUggest thatQuercus peduncularis, Q. polymorpha, Q. rugosa, Q. segovíensis and Q.sibijefa display different ecological patterus